Our website www.franciscollanten.com respects your privacy and does not collect private information from users who visit our site. Navigation on our site is secure. The information received by our customers either by email, in person (verbal) or during the services, is confidential. Franciscollanten.com and Francisco Llanten do not sell, share or expose the private information of their clients. The web site, its virtual hosting, domains, updates are paid through the money received for the services and there are no private companies sponsoring nor associated to Francisco Llantén.

There are no refunds for any reason for any of Francisco Llantén´s services. By taking any service from Francisco Llantén, Susana Ortiz y Aldo Palligas, the patient automatically accepts the conditions and clauses of the service and the ones presentes in this page of privacy, terms and conditions. The client has full responsibility for his/her free choice to take the service.

In case the patient wishes to change the time of a session, it will only be allowed the first time. In case the patient does not arrive on time or wishes to change the time a second time, the session will be forfeited and no refund will be made.

In case the patient requests an hour and does not pay within the hour limit, 2 times in a row within 1 year and/or has a history of having done so in previous years, the patient will be classified in our database as a "non-compliant" patient, so he/she will be required from that moment on (and forever) to pay for the sessions immediately (within 10 minutes maximum) from the moment he/she requests the session or the hours will not be offered or scheduled. In case you continue requesting hours and do not pay immediately, you will be blocked from accessing the services and Francisco will never schedule hours for you again.

Francisco Llantén reserves the right not to offer their services to anyone. Francisco Llantén has the right to restrict access to any specific service or not to offer his services to anyone if they so determine.

Medical, psychiatric or psychological assistance is mandatory in case clients need it. If the client shows to have or indicates to have a mental or physical illness, he/she must attend a doctor, psychiatrist and/or psychologist, otherwise Francisco´s services will not be offered. Francisco Llantén reserves the right not to offer his services to any person in case of not being in a medical, psychiatric and/or psychological treatment if they so determine. Francisco Llantén has the right to restrict access to any specific service or not to offer their services to anyone if they so determine.

FRANCISCOLLANTEN.COM and FRANCISCO LLANTEN reserve the right to modify, delete, add or change the information and prices contained in the website without the consent of customers and users. FRANCISCOLLANTEN.COM and FRANCISCO LLANTEN reserve the right to remove the website or take the website offline for a period of time without the consent of customers, users and external persons. The content of the website and its services, is the exclusive intellectual property of Francisco Llanten. <Francisco Llanten is a registered trademark and the use of its name for any purpose without the authorization of Francisco Llanten is prohibited. All content on the franciscollanten.com website, including the content of each page, articles and youtube videos, are the intellectual property of Francisco Llanten. The copy, use, alteration or dissemination of the content of Multiconciencia.com, on other websites, media or third parties is prohibited. It is not authorized the copy, modification, alteration or diffusion of the information, through any way or means of communication or to third parties. Francisco Llantén does NOT authorize the search, use and/or sample of web versions that are not online in the same web site www.franciscollanten.com and/or in any web site where Francisco Llanten is mentioned, and in case of making a search, use and/or sample of previous web versions it can be considered an act of violation and theft of private information since it is not authorized. Francisco Llanten is NOT responsible for information presented on other websites (or previous versions of the website) that refer to franciscollanten.com and Francisco Llanten, as it may be altered, modified or decontextualized information, and does not correspond to the online information within the domain name.

Both franciscollanten.com and Francisco Llantén do NOT authorize the downloading of this website and/or any website that mentions and/or associates Francisco Llantén. Downloading of this or other websites, tracking updates of this website or other websites where Francisco Llantén is mentioned, collecting screenshots or collecting old versions of this or other websites (in whatever format) is prohibited, because even if they are online at some point, the files and content are private property and require direct and signed authorization by Francisco Llantén, otherwise it is an illegal act of cybercrime for violation and theft of private information. Franciscollanten.com and Francisco Llantén are not responsible for any outdated content of this website franciscollanten.com and/or any site where and/or Francisco Llantén is mentioned, since it can be altered and/or modified information, or arbitrarily selected. Francisco Llantén and Franciscollanten.com reserve the right to modify, delete and/or update the content of the website, or its web pages without prior notice and when deemed appropriate.

Regarding any mention on the website of effectiveness of the therapies, treatments and/or services offered (or that have been offered in the past) on the Franciscollanten.com website by Francisco Llantén or on any other website where Francisco is referenced, it refers to the experience of cases already performed that have been had up to the present. It is NOT a parameter of future expectation, future projection or promise of effectiveness. Any reference to effectiveness on the website is retroactive and not projective. Additionally, in some services also refers to specific cases of clients who have passed through the filter of the evaluation of compatibility with the services and meet the requirement of being compatible such as being in medical, pharmacological, psychological and / or psychiatric treatment in parallel if required, among others. By taking any service that appears on the FRANCISCOLLANTEN.COM website with Francisco Llantén, you confirm to accept this notion.

The client CAN and should take other services with other professionals such as medical, psychiatric, etc. The client can and should take the services (before and in parallel) with medical professionals, psychologists and/or psychiatrists to perform the medical, psychological and/or psychiatric treatments and/or other professionals if required, otherwise Francisco Llantén will NOT offer the services presented in Franciscollanten.com. The client must attend and continue with all medical, pharmacological, psychological and/or psychiatric treatments at all times. In any case and instance, both the FRANCISCOLLANTEN.com website, as well as Francisco Llantén, are not responsible for the actions or lack of actions of their clients regarding the realization and follow-up of the medical, pharmacological, psychological and/or psychiatric treatments since that is the responsibility of each client and their free decision.

All services, programs and workshops offered by Francisco Llantén belong to category 2 of Chile's internal taxes, which makes the delivery of tax receipts optional, and also validates and authorizes these services to be offered in any type of venue, whether at home, apartment or office without the need for trade or health patents. The workshops conducted by Francisco Llantén, do not authorize or authorize the attendees to offer what they have learned, and they risk legal claims to their attendees for plagiarism and unauthorized use of material protected under copyright of Francisco LlantEn® and FRANCISCOLLANTEN.COM.

Both franciscollanten.com and Francisco Llanten, are not responsible for the decisions, results and actions of their clients as a result of taking our services. The services offered at franciscollanten.com and performed by Francisco Llanten do not replace medical and/or psychiatric treatment for physical or mental health and we DO NOT request or imply or recommend leaving medical and/or psychiatric or psychological treatment. All services offered in franciscollanten.com are complementary services and should be taken in parallel to medicine and/or psychiatry in case the person has a medical treatment. Francisco Llanten as a person, brand is website is not responsible for the clients´s actions or lack of actions and choices , nor for what the clients do regarding their medical, psychiatric and psychological treatments since they are responsible for their health.

Life coaching, energy healing, reiki and angel reading services are not a substitute for medical physical or mental health diagnosis and treatment, and the services should be taken as alternative-complementary therapies.

Mindfulness meditations, Taoist meditations, metaphysical meditations and other services are not a substitute for medical physical or mental health diagnosis and treatment, and the services should be viewed as complementary wellness practices.

Both franciscollanten.com and Francisco Llantén, have the right not to give their opinion about other services, perspectives and people alien to the services and perspectives offered in franciscollanten.com. Francisco Llantén reserve the right to refuse to serve any client if he deems it necessary. In addition, FRANCISCO LLANTEN keepS the intellectual right of what is written, taught and presented in our website FRANCISCOLLANTEN.com as well as during the sessions of services and workshops. Francisco Llantén does not certify nor has certified, nor has previously taught nor he currently teaches for sale, personal or professional use, any of the services and therapies offered by him and by franciscollanten.com and by Multiconciencia. Any person claiming to be authorized, entitled or trained in the services or therapies offered by franciscollanten.com and FRANCISCO LLANTEN for sale, certification, teaching or personal use is committing a deception and illegal use of the names of our therapies.

Recording with any device during the sessions of services, seminars and workshops offered by franciscollanten.com and Francisco Llanténis prohibited. Both the sessions of services, seminars and workshops, as well as the content of the same, belong as intellectual property to FRANCISCOLLANTEN.COM and Francisco Llantén®. The copy, modification, alteration or diffusion of the information and teaching delivered, through any way or means of communication or to third parties, is not authorized.

All content on FRANCISCOLLANTEN.COM including text, graphics, images and all information available on or through this website are presented for informational purposes only and are no medical, psychological, or other licenced professional advice.

franciscollanten.com and Francisco Llanten does not, provide medical advice, nor is it a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We encourage our readers not to disregard medical advice or to hestitate seeking such advice due to anything they may have read on this website. Visitors are advised to seek appropriate advice from a licensed health care professional before making any health care decisions. We do not encourage the use or discontinuation of any kind of medication, nor do we provide any other kind of medical advice.

The Chakras are an ancient system related to the theory of a subtle energetic life force, often referred to as “chi” or “prana”. These ancient theories and concepts are not accepted parts of science or Western medicine, and are not backed by scientific studies. All information provided is from our direct experience and we firmly believe in its truthfullness and beneficial effects, yet all information is of purely subjective nature.

The techniques and methods described on this website and in our informational products as “Energy healing” or "Reiki" are not a substitute for licensed medical care or consultation. Energy healing is distinct and different from the practice of medicine, psychology, and other licensed health care practices. In no way do we claim to diagnose, treat or cure any kind of physical or psychological condition. Rather Francisco Llanten offers this approach as a supportive and integrative system that may or may not be complementary to treatment by a licensed health care provider.

The techniques and methods described on this website and in our informational products as “Life Coaching", "Law of Attraction Coaching" and "Spiritual Consulting" are not a substitute for licensed psycological, psychiatric and medical care, consultation or therapy. Life Coaching", "Law of Attraction Coaching" and "Spiritual Consulting" are distinct and different from the practice of medicine, psychology, and other licensed health care practices. In no way do we claim to diagnose, treat or cure any kind of physical or psychological condition. Rather Francisco Llanten offers this approach as a supportive and integrative system that may or may not be complementary to treatment by a licensed health care provider.

Whenever we speak of “healing” we wish this term to be understood not in the sense of its medical meaning, but in a spiritual context of energetic healing: of becoming more whole and more connected to the soul. No method or technique presented here promises or provides any kind of psychological or medical treatment, or a cure.

By using this website, you assume all responsibility for outcomes or lack thereof, and you hold harmless to FRANCISCO LLANTEN AND FRANCISCOLLANTEN.COM and release them from all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, costs, damages, or fees arising out of or in any way connected with your use of the information on this website and the services provided by Francisco Llantén..

By using franciscollanten.com, you are acknowledging that you understand and agree to this disclaimer, and that you take full responsibility for your own healing, health, decisions and actions.

 Any act that goes against these terms, entitles us to proceed legally against you if necessary.